The Best Super Mario Games of All Time

Super Mario as part of Nintendo's incredible platforming franchise

Having played Super Mario games since the late 1980s, we’ve got an infinite amount of love for these wonderful titles.

Whether you want to revisit them yourself on the Switch, or introduce your friends and family to them, here are the best Super Mario games of all time. In our humble opinion!

The Best Mario Games Ever (at least according to us)

Let’s get the ball rolling pronto! We’re including 2D and 3D Mario platforming titles into this list, so dive on in and revel in Nintendo’s brilliance.

11. Super Mario Bros.

The very first outing on the SNES in 1985, Super Mario Bros. is still a great fun video game despite its primitive nature.

It’s a short one, but a landmark title which continues to influence the games industry and is essential for anyone interested in video game history.

10. Super Mario Maker 2

There’s no denying level creation romp Super Mario Maker 2 (2019) is quite astonishing in its absurdity. It really is nuts. But in fabulous way!

It’s a brilliant premise. You can design Mario courses from a variety of NES, SNES, and Wii era backgrounds. Then play them!

Throw into that an entire new Mario adventure from Nintendo for inspiration and this thing is a technical marvel.

9. Super Mario 64

Revolutionary for the time due to its 3D graphics, this SOB is still a rampaging classic due to its fun level design and sprawling adventure.

You really can’t underestimate the impact this game had on the industry. The pre-launch hype for it was staggering and, boy, Nintendo didn’t let anyone down. It set the gold standard for 3D platformers and it was only Rare on the N64 who could get close.

The era-defining Super Mario 64 still offers so many platforming highs, with its crystal clear and gorgeous soundtrack and plenty of unique surprises.

8. Super Mario Sunshine

The GameCube title which was rather maligned at the time is, in fact, a classic. Just recently we saw an Honest Trailer complaining about it being bad.

But, really, Super Mario Sunshine is trademark excellence with a fun water pack concept. It’s a real charmer, too, with fantastic music and a gorgeous setting.

7. Super Mario Bros. Wonder

Fantastically bizarre, and all the better for it, Super Mario Bros. Wonder’s brilliance lies in its goofy messing around with the 2D Mario formula.

That and how it also offers a genuine, punishing challenge for platforming enthusiasts. It’ll test your skills, but its sweeping accessibility and charm offensive make it appealing for any type of gamer.

6. Super Mario World

The title that kicked off the lifespan of the best games console ever, Super Mario World is a glorious achievement and remains one of the SNES’ best games. There’s pretty much nothing you can complain about here.

It’s an enormous, vibrant, and joyous video game with moments of fun and wonder at every step of the way.

5. Super Mario Galaxy

Now celebrating its 10th anniversary, Super Mario Galaxy remains a work of genius that transformed the series and proved a landmark title in the games industry.

Its audacious concept was delivered with severe panache and it proved a perfect fit for the Wii.

With the sparkling orchestral soundtrack and planet soaring nature, this one is arguably the finest game from the previous generation of consoles. Mesmerising stuff, Steve.

4. Super Mario Galaxy 2

Launching in 2010, Super Mario Galaxy 2 improved on the original. Primarily just through the sheer, relentless brilliance of the level design.

It was difficult to fault Nintendo here, doing what they often do—take a landmark formula and building on it to a greater extent. Very impressive indeed!

3. Super Mario Bros. 3

As old as it is, this 2D platformer is still pretty much perfect. The levels are packed full of imagination and it’s a big old adventure which remains the finest moment on the NES.

Super Mario Bros. 3 is genius—an astonishing a game this old can still be so much fun.

2. Super Mario 3D World

This was arguably the best game of 2013 and one of the very best on the Wii U, Nintendo’s outstanding response to the disappointing sales figures of the console.

Nintendo later relaunched Super Mario 3D World on the Switch, bringing it to a wider audience after its lower sales figure run on the Wii U.

Its brilliance, as ever, lies in the relentless and utterly fantastic levels. The game just keeps chucking more and more at you and it’s some of the most impressive work seem in gaming.

1. Super Mario Odyssey

On our first playthrough of this one we didn’t think the world of it. When we got round to revisiting Super Mario Odyssey a few years ago, we came away thinking it’s very possibly the greatest Mario game of them all.

A truly inspired, brilliant masterpiece to add to a very impressive 2017 for Nintendo.

Odyssey also remains the last 3D Mario outing (to date), although we can expect the next exciting prospect for the developer’s new console. Whatever that may be, until then this is the peak of platforming and it’s absolute genius.


Dispense with some gibberish!

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