MoroniCast: Episode #0 of Our Dumb Podcast

Professional Moron podcast

Everyone else is doing it. So, we buckled under immense public pressure and now have this podcast in place for the rest of eternity: MoroniCast.

Don’t expect humour. It’s a lament. It’s our justification for Professional Moron’s existence in a capitalist world where bringing your A game and being very, very, very serious is the utmost requirement.

Welcome to MoroniCast: Episode #0

Okay, first off, try as we might we couldn’t get the above media player to resize. Annoying! But we’ll all just have to live with it for now.

As many bloggers will know, WordPress has launched a total overhaul of its platform. And we now have to get used to the thing, which may take a bit of time.

This podcast we recorded the other week is now something we brought forward while we try to figure out the new features.

Anyway, in the very first episode of MoroniCast you get the following:

  • Production values the likes of which you’ve never before seen or heard!
  • Background music to drone out Mr. Wapojif’s mellifluous baritones.
  • Creaky chair noises.
  • An explanation for the creaky chair.
  • Probable overuse of the word “thing”.
  • A semi-serious explanation for why this site exists.

We also did a logo to go with MoroniCast. Look at it. Look at it! Now!

Aye, so any feedback is welcome here. Keep the background music? Murder the background music?

We’ll probably do one a month of these going forward because we’re not branching away from the writing anytime soon.

We might think of some humorous things to cover, or we’ll quote some poetry and emphasise our funny British accents. Who knows what the future will hold!?

But, for now, it adds a little extra something to the site. Enjoy it or not, you’ll have to hack it. Or else.

Stuff Mentioned in the Podcast

Just in case you were wondering, we mention a few inspirations in MoroniCast. These include Digitiser, Bottom, and Eddie Izzard.

Thought we should flag those up should proper British things pique your interest at all. At least it’s stuff with absurdities and daft humour.

As for the squeaky chair, we’re getting a new one from work next week. This one won’t squeak or creak, it’ll just be bloody comfy. Okay?


  1. Nice work!

    Syd Barrett said that “The squeaking door will always squeak”, so maybe that’s also true for creaking chairs. Rather than getting shut of the chair perhaps you should write a psychedelic folk song about it…

    The utility cupboard hum has a very Star Trek:The Next Generation starship Enterprise ambient background noise vibe to it. USS Piccadilly Gardens.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ta very much! The chair I got free with my old flat and decided to bring it to my new one, I’ve had it three years now. I do feel sad to let it go, but metal bits are now jabbing into me as it disintegrates. There’s an episode of Frasier where Martin refuses to give up his dodgy old chair and I feel a bit like that.

      I’ll write a farewell song for it, but also a public health and safety pamphlet warning about its dangers. And then abandon the chair in Piccadilly Gardens and leg it.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. OKAY!!!
    Found it.
    Will listen after dinner, if Covid doesn’t get me first!
    We’ve shut down some vaccination sites, due to…. ran out of vaccine!
    Canada’s government has REALLY LET US DOWN!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

Dispense with some gibberish!

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