GameBlast 2024 charity gaming

Right we are, the good people over at Later Levels are doing a mega charity thing over two parts. Starting this weekend, in fact!

It begins with a 24-HOUR LIVE STREAM over on Twitch.

And all for a glorious cause supporting the Special Effect gaming charity, which creates specialist technology to help anyone with physical limitations to play video games. A most noble cause indeed!

Part One: 24-Hour Streaming Marathon Majigger for Special Effect

For GameBlast24, check out the press release Later Levels issued recently (which has since been edited to remove excessive use of swear words).

Thus, on Saturday 24th February a 24-hour Twitch livestream session shall commence!

Headed by British, UK, English type locals Kim and Pete, the stream will last for 24 hours (unless there’s some sort of patriotic duty that gets in the way, such as making a big bunch of cucumber sandwiches).

Many games will be played.

Many puns will be punned.

At least 235 cans of extra large Red Bull will be consumed.

FYI you can find Later Levels on Twitch right here. Follow and behold from Saturday. Innit. We’re plugging it now, dammit! You can donate here if you so wish.

DONATE (if you so wish)

With that hard sales hustle now completed, let’s explore the most pressing topic…

The Pete Poll

Voter! Determine the attire-based fate of Pete this Saturday and forever hold your peas.

Part Two: Marathon! (Run, Run, Run Dammit!)

Just to note, Later Levels is already at 84% of the £2,500 target! As the the second phase of this charity thing involves running the London Marathon (21st April 2024).

All 26.2 miles of the SOB. A heck of a feat, and one that involves plenty of feet, but one we’re steering well clear of for the rest of our lives (we’re not ones for running).

To help out, we’ve included the above for Kim’s various training montages ahead of April.

Best of luck to Kim’s efforts, though, she’s gone full Hero Mode for that and will need at least 135 extra large cans of Red Bull to get her through to the finish!

Part Three: Mr. Wapojif’s Punning Record

To note, Mr. Wapojif (the esteemed editor around here) has his own goal for this Saturday. What is that most brave and noble goal, you ask!?

Why, it’s to pun AT LEAST 300 (three hundred) times during the stream.

So, brace himself for this challenge, Mr. Wapojif has stocked up on 145 cans of extra large Red Bull to ensure he can land at least one pun. Lot of pressure, but the legend himself had this to say.

Wish him the best of luck! As with everyone else this Saturday. We’re sure the sky rocketing sales in energy drinks will be directly related to this event.


Dispense with some gibberish!

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