Our Commitment to Satire and Silliness ๐Ÿ˜

Professional Moron

Okay, so what is up with this nonsense? Absurdity, satire, and silliness are what we’re about. We offer a post a day (going live at 18:00 BST) on arbitrary oddness, culture, and other things.

On Saturdays, there’s a book review or random curiosity that goes live at 17:00 BST (we also have a literary review site called Moonshake Books you may want to check out). And we do two posts on Sunday about video games.

Why do we bother? As we hope to enlighten our readers and provide, above all else, a slice (like that from a very nice cake) of fun and enjoyment in life. We find this to be a bold and honourable endeavour.

Please note, no sandwiches were harmed in the making of this blog.

The Staff of Professional Moron

There aren’t many of us! But we are stronger as one! Especially when we can have beans on toast for lunch.

Editor: Mr. Wapojif

An artist’s impression of our esteemed editor.

Our esteemed editor is responsible for our content calendar and many, many ideas. He manages the Professional Moron staff with an iron fist.

His mood is capricious, and he’s a bit weird, but his creative vision is such that it’s enough to make most grown men weep.

Our Headquarters

Our office is located in Manchester city centre, in the UK, where a ragtag bunch of journalists (plus one beleaguered apprentice suffering from PTSD) attempt to keep this sinking ship afloat.

We’re facing a tough time of it in this austerity-stricken country. Please, send us your cash!

About Our Images

Just to note, if you were wondering, we use the brilliant graphic design platform Canva to create all of our images.

Give it a go! It’s great (no, we’re not sponsored by themโ€”we just like promoting excellent stuff).

Get in Touch

Should you need to get in touch with us, for one reason or another, you can use the below form. It’s easy to use. And free. Honest.


  1. Just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for The Beautiful Blogger Award! I know this is a bit silly, but I wanted to help promote your wonderful blog. ๐Ÿ™‚ Congratulations, G. E.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Mz. G.E. we are honourerered to the total max by this. May a thousand batches of sashimi be delivered to your doorstep by some sushi expert dude from the afar wilderness of Tokyo. There’s actually a sushi film out called Jiro Dreams of Sushi. Not seen it yet but it’s supposed to be very good!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Awesome, thanking yee muchly. We do spout some dangerously insane theories at times, so approach from a distance (and perhaps wear a hat for added protection). Other than this, all should be well! Innit. Yo yo!


  2. Hi Mr. Wapojif, I have nominated you for both the Mystery and Versatile Blogger Awards! Thank you for sharing with us your silliness and humorous adventures! We look forward to more of your beautiful posts. Nominated you.

    Liked by 2 people

      • Yer welcome!

        I didn’t know who Valรฉrie ฤŒiลพmรกrovรก was until as recently as 26th August 2015 eether!

        It was a serious case of, “This one’s not bad!” (photo at ‘Discogs’), followed by “Not bad at all!” (front cover of LP), followed by “Oh my word!!!”, the last of those being the rear cover photo for her 1975 LP by Vladivoj Burjanek, who I think just did those two photos in his entire photographic career, but that’s still quite some career in my eyes! I also fell in love (or maybe just a little lust!) with the one of her with some Czechoslovak soldiers based in East Germany in 1974 wearing an army cap at a very jaunty angle over her cascading blonde locks, which was, in a way, even sexier. I thought of the classic Hollywood bombshells of Wartime such as Betty Grable straight away.

        That rear cover photo introduced me to what I am attempting to ‘patent’, like the ‘Daisy Dukes’ hot pants of ‘The Dukes Of Hazzard’ fame, as ‘Valinkas’ – scalloped-hemmed, high-waisted, black suede hot pants. The closest I’ve come to them was thanks to the ‘Internet It Girl’, Kristina Bazan, who is pretty dead fit herself. They were in black satin, though, which is another sexy fabric. She’s also from that great source of some of the fittest women on the Planet, Eastern/Central Europe, having been born in Belarus, but now living in Switzerland.

        Oh, also on 26th August 2015 I discovered Valรฉrie ฤŒiลพmรกrovรก’s sometime theatrical colleague, Miluลกka Vobornรญkovรก, who isn’t bad eether. She was born on Christmas Day 1949, in ‘ล koda City’, Mladรก Boleslav, so I’m also trying to ‘patent’ ‘Miluลกkamas’. There was a headline at some Czech celebrity site about her saying, “She wore the shortest mini-skirts and the men went crazy for her.” On that continuing theme of celebrities sharing birthdays who should have been born also on ‘Miluลกkamas’ 1949 but that other quite fit product of the Central/Eastern European diaspora, Sissy Spacek, whom I especially fancied as Liz Garrison in ‘JFK’. It could be ‘Sissymas’, too!

        Liked by 1 person

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