A Juggler’s Tale: Charming String Puppet Platformer Thing 🤹‍♂️

A Juggler's Tale the indie game

This is a puppet-based platformer with some clever puzzles. It’s a short game, but for what it’s worth A Juggler’s Tale (available on all consoles and PC) offers some fine concepts.

It’s the work of indie team kaleidoscube in Ludwigsburg, Germany, and first launched in 2021. Styled as a cinematic platformer about a marionette, we’re here to explore the wonder and whatnots of this one.

Cinematic Platforming Storytelling Fun in A Juggler’s Tale

The game styles itself along the lines of Planet of Lana (2023) and Playdead’s various masterpieces. That’s the cinematic platformer bit.

In other words, you’re gradually guiding the character to the right, overcoming obstacles, unfolding the narrative, and all n 2.5D fashion.

Whilst the likes of Playdead’s INSIDE (2016) remains industry standard genius, many developers are trying their hand at the genre.

A Juggler’s Tale isn’t on that level. Yet it still offers much to swoon over, not least with its often gorgeous aesthetic.

Players take control of Abby, a string puppet living in a fairy tale world.

She escapes from a situation of abuse and exploitation to flee to better times. As she progresses, her experience is narrated by the off-screen puppet master.

This makes the experience and environmental storytelling one, with narration based on your actions. Here’s how it all plays out.

There’s a Medieval vibe to proceedings, including a pleasant soundtrack (bit more on that further below), and some of the puzzles are inventive and fun.

Charm offensive? Definitely in evidence! The game has a breezy feel to it. As we’re big juggling fans, we couldn’t resist that element to it.

Although that side plays out with Abby juggling (you don’t actually do any in-game juggling, to be clear).

But it is short! As games like this tend to be.

Once again, to our continued confusion, games critics have been sniffy about the game’s length (about two hours of play). Again… it’s an indie game! They’re always short like this. That’s why they’re so cheap.

So, yeah, kind of a moot criticism there. But if you want a game longer than an hour then just an epic AAA romp of some sort.

And although this is just “another” INSIDE clone, amongst a plethora of others, it’s a fine example of the genre. One we enjoyed a great deal.

Chillout to the Juggler’s Tale Score

A Juggler’s Tale has a lovely soundtrack, one packed with playful Medieval music melodies (think A Plague’s Tale: Requiem but less dark).

Someone has been kind enough to upload some music videos to accompany the score, such as with the relaxing vibes above.

You can find the whole soundtrack below in all its glory.

As you can hear, it sets the vibe for A Juggler’s Tale perfectly. Nothing too strenuous or pulse-pounding, instead an intriguing concept playing out in beguiling fashion. We’ll juggle to that.

Dispense with some gibberish!

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