Murray the Hamster: The Q1 Rodent Report

Murray the hamster fresh out of his box
Murray in action.

There’s a new office pet in town and it’s Murray the Syrian hamster. He’s just over two months old and is cute and furry.

Murray likes broccoli, pumpkin seeds, and running in his wheel. Kind of like most hamsters then, wouldn’t you say?

The Life and Times of Murray the Hamster

As we noted in our pet hamster guide years back, it takes a week or two to properly settle your little bundle of joy into your home.

They’re very timid at first. But once over this, they’ll be bossing you about expectantly for food and entertainment.

And now, with Murray we named him after the legendary Murray Walker. And there’s also a nod there to Murray the Skull, a favourite character of ours.

And although hamsters, they do have different ways of doing things to get used to. As we’ve been finding out.

Murray’s Hamster Personality Traits

Murray the hamster immediately took a shine to his flying saucer hamster wheel.

We also bought him a bigger wheel and he spends most of his time running on one or the other. The rest of the time he’s obsessed with food and foraging.

Murray is friendly and was sort of half tame when we got him. Definitely the hamster to most rapidly be happy to put up with us.

He also quickly took to various foods we’ve been offering him. Including:

  • Broccoli (which he goes mental for).
  • Pumpkin seeds.
  • Raisins.
  • Red pepper.
  • Mushroom.

Initially, Murray couldn’t tell the difference between our hand and food. Which meant he felt he could bite violently into us thinking it was edible.

We still have a scar on our thumb from this. Thankfully, he’s since realised we’re not that sort of object.

And instead he’s now scurrying up to the cage doors to say hello to us. Or demand food from us, more likely.

Murray’s Hamster KPIs

Murray now has a set of quantitative and qualitative key performance indicators (KPIs) to meet ahead of Q2 in 2021.

Being a hamster is demanding stuff. A lot of pressure comes with it. As such, we want to see the following from him in the months ahead:

  • Much consumption of organic pumpkin seeds.
  • Total mastery of hanging upside down from the cage roof.
  • 100% cessation of biting owner’s hands under the belief it’s food.
  • Must improve current crepuscular habits, a waking time of 10pm is a bit off.

We have every confidence Murray, with all his guile and determination, will be able to succeed as a hamster.

Hamster-Based Conclusion

Murray is off to a strong start and we provide him with 4/5, minus a point for biting Mr. Wapojif’s thumb under the belief it was hamster chocolate.

Correction of this error in future will result in full marks.

Murray has a long road ahead of him. But with broccoli and pumpkin seeds on his side, he should flourish as a rodent and become a living legend.


  1. I remember learning that, the hard way as it were, to be careful when giving treats to hamsters. One time, I guess my hand must have smelled a little too edible and I ended up getting teeny, tiny little hamster teeth in my fingertip. After that, I’d always make sure I would just have a treat in my open palm to avoid any further incidents…which worked, mostly.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yeah I wasn’t quite expecting him to just sink his razor sharp teeth into my thumb. He’s since got it 100% that he can’t eat me, so the finger tips option is now ok. Thankfully.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Where am I? What the …. ? I was on the Trifle Post, now suddenly I’m here.
    I demand an answer, and don’t trifle with me.
    BTW the trifle post was sweet!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I always found a lot of the taming gets done simply by keeping the hamster’s cage near to where you are. In the beginning they’re terrified of noises and shadows, the way wild animals are. They soon learn not to get afraid of you. When I was little we had a hamster that we never picked up. This is because my parents didn’t pick him up so we as kids didn’t either. This meant the hamster was over six months old when he first got handled, and he was absolutely fine about it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It is a lesson in patience, waiting for the little one to get used to you. I’ve had Murray two months now and he’s reached the stage where he gets excitable and bossy about everything. A lovely little chap he is as well. He now greets me right by the cage each morning demanding his food.


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