The Cheese on Toast Museum ๐Ÿž๐Ÿง€ [Sponsored Post]

The Cheese on Toast Museum

Some museums are more important than others. The Cheese on Toast Museum is THE MOST IMPORTANT museum in the entire world.

This is because cheese on toast is THE MOST IMPORTANT FOOD in the world.

You can visit the museum, located in Bolton of Greater Manchester, any day of the week 24/7 to embrace the glory of the best snack in the world.

The Cheese on Toast Museum: Visit and Be Amazed

Our museum was founded in 1999 and is dedicated to one of the UK’s favourite food combinations:

  • Bread
  • Cheese

By toasting the bread, with cheese added atop, the hungry individual has cheese on toast to consume. The long history of this food is celebrated across all of Blighty!

We invite you all to visit the museum and bask in the joys of this foodstuff! Which is also served all day, every day, with all the excess unused waste of cheese and bread thrown out back into a giant pit.

Yes, it does attract rats! Haha. So, please don’t visit if you don’t like rodents.

Our Cheese/Toast Collections, Events, and Exhibitions

We have a wonderfully cheesy curation process with collections and exhibitions including:

  • Art exhibitions depicting the glory of cheese and toast merging.
  • Weekly discussions on the past, present, and future of cheese on toast.
  • Weekly burning purges of VEGAN CHEESE as the heathen sin that it is.
  • Puritanical chanting outside the museum.
  • Talks from many and varied delusional lunatics ready and willing to rant about cheese on toast.
  • Talks from dairy farmers.
  • Talks from convicted criminals out on parole to balance out the debate and add an edge of fear to proceedings.

The first port of call for our visitors is ALWAYS our legendary art room. We say “always” as you’re aggressively shoved that way by our staffโ€”no questions asked!

Should you try to back out of there or flee in general, you will be cattle prodded to the ground with a cattle prod. Hah! No more cheese on toast for you.

About Our Art Exhibitions

Currently displaying at our cheese on toast museum are many and varied cheese on toast artistic depictions from around the world.

We have some 134 pieces of art in our main emporium!

All of them celebrating the joys of cheese on toast! There’s a lot of yellow going on, some browns, and a heck of a lot of cheese.

Please note, pictures are STICTLY FORBIDDEN! Anyone seen taking pictures of the art will have a trudgen violently brought down on the offending hands holding cameras. You have been warned!

A Health and Safety Notice Regarding the Rats Overrunning the Museum

Many visitors have reported sightings of 100s of rats scurrying around the floors of the museum.

As previously indicated, this is due to the masses of cheese on toast (many 100s of metric tonnes) produced in the museum’s kitchen every day.

Much of that crap ends up out back in a big ditch, which, sadly, does have a habit of attracting hordes of hungry rats into the neighbourhood.

Rest assured, the rats shouldn’t attack you on sight.

Should you see a rat (which you most certainly will, they’re all over the bloody place!), feel free to try and pet it. You’re also free to offer it bits of cheese and toast.

Should the rat attack you, please dial for an ambulance and wait politely for it outside. We’ll offer you a plaster if needed.

Dispense with some gibberish!

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